setJmsReplyTo() is not evaluated in a Request-Response-Scenario.
JbossESB assumes the response gateway queue being named <request_queue_name>_reply
(see Programmers Guide, pg. 29) . If you need a different queue or let the
client specify the response queue set, use a JMSRouter-Action.
Von: [] Im
Auftrag von Open Sourcer
Gesendet: Dienstag, 10. Februar 2009 18:41
Betreff: [esb-users] Re: JBoss Hello World quickstart - in RequestReply
If this a known problem or if
an issue is already filed for this please let me know.
All I want to do is a request response action using JMS in JBOSS ESB. Any
help is appreciated.
From: Open Sourcer
Sent: Sunday, February 8, 2009 4:22:40 PM
Subject: JBoss Hello World quickstart - in RequestReply mode
Hi ,
I am new to JBOSS ESB. I am using quickstart to speed up the learning.
The examples in
quickstart with respect to JMS seems to be OneWay requests. I would like
to tryout RequestResponse MEP
action scenario using a non ESB aware JMS client.
So in the JMS Message sent, I am setting setJMSReplyTo();
code snippet.:
ObjectMessage tm = session.createObjectMessage(msg);
Is this the right way to set Reply address from client ( outside of ESB)
for the action to send the reply back.
I tried this and it does not seem to work. In the action I am printing out
the replyTo EPR from message header and see the replyTo EPR is set null.
System.out.println(" Reply to -
is returning null.
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