Hi Piku,
I think all that you need is already avaiable in the samples/quickstart folder in the JBossESB installation directory. Please follow the getting started guide in the docs folder and you will achive what you want.
Sofware Engineer,

On 3/7/07, piku mishra <mishra.piku@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Techies,
I have started working on Jboss ESB. I am able to run the sample application provided by Jboss. However can anybody tell me, how to integrate ESB in a very small application. My requirement is very simple. I have a small text field in the JSP page. I will write some String
message. That String message will be sent as a Message and it will communicate with ESB and a new response will be generated and I will display the newly generated message in the jsp page. For example If I give the String as "Piku Mishra is a Software Engineer", a message will be generated from the server side that "Who is Piku Mishra" and I will display this String or Text message in the JSP page. It needs the whole cycle of ESB. I need the jboss-gateway.xml and jboss-listener.xml configuration to send a message and get back a different message in a different queue. More specifically I will send a message in a Queue called Queue/SendingQueue and I will get the response from the Queue ie Queue/ResponseQueue. I need it in a web application so that everything I will deploy as a .war file in jboss.

Piku Mishra
Senior System Engineer,
Bangalore .

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