If this a known problem or if an issue is already filed for this please let me know.

All I want to do is a request response action  using JMS in JBOSS ESB. Any help is appreciated.


From: Open Sourcer <sreenigv_opensourceuser@yahoo.com>
To: esb-users@lists.jboss.org
Sent: Sunday, February 8, 2009 4:22:40 PM
Subject: JBoss Hello World quickstart - in RequestReply mode

Hi ,

   I am new to JBOSS ESB. I am using quickstart to speed up the learning. The examples in
quickstart  with respect to JMS seems to be OneWay requests. I would like to tryout RequestResponse MEP
action scenario using a non ESB aware JMS client.

So in the JMS Message sent, I am setting setJMSReplyTo();

code snippet.:

ObjectMessage tm = session.createObjectMessage(msg);

Is this the right  way to set Reply address from client ( outside of ESB)
 for the action to send the reply back.

I tried this and it does not seem to work. In the action I am printing out
the replyTo EPR from message header and see the replyTo EPR is set null.

System.out.println(" Reply to - "+message.getHeader().getCall().getReplyTo());
is returning null.
