I think the same George, can we continue this way ?

2012/12/7 <ggastald@redhat.com>
Hi Luca,

My opinion is barely the same. I think that tests with WebLogic should be run manually. We could provide a profile, but we are only enabling it manually or if the CI  holds a licensed Weblogic instance for testing. 

What are the other thoughts on this ?

On 12/07/2012 09:36 AM, Luca Masini wrote:
As suggested I wrote on Arquillian community and this is the response:

"The Arquillian WebLogic Container only depend on JavaEE libs compile time, so we avoid the license issue there. But when it comes to running/testing, you'll need a license.


So currently, the WebLogic container is only built(compiled/packaged) on our CI. Community members that hold a license run the test suite manually.


I don't remember how the WebLogic developer license is, but the WebSphere Developer license states things like: can not be used for testing, only valid to the local developer computer, can not be placed as part of a build server, etc etc.


Seemingly, you're not allowed to release code that requires container libraries compile time based on those licenses. Even if compiled from the local computer that has the license."

Is exactly our case. I would like to remember that, on contrary of WebSphere, when I asked about license problem Oracle answered me that for them is enough that we don't use WebLogic for a production site.

What to do now ?


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George Gastaldi | Senior Software Engineer
JBoss Forge Team
Red Hat

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