Hi Raquel,

Do you see any stacktraces? Starting from Forge 2.8.0.Final the cause should be displayed as a cause in the exception you are experiencing.
I am not sure about your other question. What POJOs are you talking about? Can you clarify?

Best Regards,

George Gastaldi

On 08/26/2014 03:18 AM, Raquel Pau Fernández wrote:

I would like to create a forge addon and I have followed the documentation. 

I am in the test section of http://forge.jboss.org/document/develop-an-addon and I have the following Exception when I run the first test code from .

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Test runner could not locate test class [.....] in any deployed Addon.

Obviously, the test needs to fail, but I suspect that I cannot write tests in the same forge addon project. Am I right? How can I correct this Exception?

Another question, how does forge link my Forge POJOs with the forge commands? 

Raquel Pau

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world
                                                                                           Nelson Mandela

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