Hey George,

I proceeded as we discussed on the meeting on Tuesday. However, I had to copy some of the code of the AbstractJPAFacetImpl in the SpringBootJPAFacet: the contents of the methods getEntityPackage, getEntityPackageDir and getAllEntities.

Can we somehow move these (and probably other) methods to the API project, so that they can be reused?


On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 10:22 AM, Ivan St. Ivanov <ivan.st.ivanov@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi George,

Then maybe we should re-evaluate the initial proposal:

What we want to do is not to rewrite all the Forge commands for JPA just because of the fact above. We were thinking of a small change - extend JPAFacet with SpringBootJPAFacet. And then add a new implementation of PersistenceContainer -> SpringBootContainer or something? And then we have to change JPASetupWizardImpl to pick the facet not only based on the JPA version, but also based on the container. 


On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 11:31 PM, George Gastaldi <ggastald@redhat.com> wrote:
How about a SpringBootFacet with a ge/setProperties() method to handle these central properties? 

As for the JPAFacet, it is necessary to have it installed for the JPA: New Entity to function properly, for example, so I guess you might need to extend it and override the method that creates the persistence.xml file. 

-------- Mensagem original --------
De: Nayden Gochev <gochev@gmail.com>
Data: 29/07/2015 17:21 (GMT-03:00)
Para: "Ivan St. Ivanov" <ivan.st.ivanov@gmail.com>
Cc: forge-dev List <forge-dev@lists.jboss.org>
Assunto: Re: [forge-dev] Approach to Spring Boot handling JPA

Yes it is a hack (to keep the persistance.xml and is not good :( 

So we indeed have to create some SpringBootJPAFacet  to bypass the generation of persistance.xml and to just add few extra properties to the application.properties file ( basically 5-6 lines ).

The idea with spring boot is 0 configuration and everything is automatically configured ( the only configuration you do is in one central properties file)


On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 8:22 PM, Ivan St. Ivanov <ivan.st.ivanov@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi George,

Thanks for your answer! I add our Spring Boot expert Nayden to the loop.

Well, according to the Spring documentation it is possible to have persistence.xml: http://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/howto-data-access.html#howto-use-traditional-persistence-xml

However, I see it more as a hack from our side.


On Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 10:27 PM, George Gastaldi <ggastald@redhat.com> wrote:
Hi Ivan,

JPAFacet depends on having a PersistenceCommonDescriptor (https://github.com/forge/core/blob/master/javaee/api/src/main/java/org/jboss/forge/addon/javaee/jpa/JPAFacet.java#L27), so I guess that extending JPAFacet is not a good idea in this case. Is it a problem if the persistence.xml is created for a Spring Boot project?

Otherwise, I'd suggest you to create the SpringBootJPAFacet without reusing the JavaEE ones (and create a "Spring Boot: JPA Setup"), as they really don't follow JavaEE in this context beyond the JPA JARs.

Best Regards,

George Gastaldi

On 07/26/2015 05:52 PM, Ivan St. Ivanov wrote:
Hi folks,

As some of you probably heard, in Bulgarian JUG we are going to adopt an addon (as George put it a couple of months ago). Beginning of August we are going to develop a Forge extension for Spring Boot. One of the things that we are not sure yet how to tackle is persistence.

You see, Spring supports JPA. However instead of configuring it in the Java EE way with persistence.xml, in Spring Boot they use a properties file for that (and for all their configuration). The current JPA facet implementations however are developed with presistence.xml in mind. The JPA setup wizard itself is also bound somehow to presistence.xml - it picks the facet to install based on that file.

What we want to do is not to rewrite all the Forge commands for JPA just because of the fact above. We were thinking of a small change - extend JPAFacet with SpringBootJPAFacet. And then add a new implementation of PersistenceContainer -> SpringBootContainer or something? And then we have to change JPASetupWizardImpl to pick the facet not only based on the JPA version, but also based on the container. 

Or maybe there is a better way?

I am expecting your feedback :)


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