Hi Thomas,

Forge 2.0 console (based in aesh) is not yet functional. 
Only the engine is.
You need to use the eclipse plugin for that.

To use the eclipse plugin, you need to import all the projects under  https://github.com/forge/jbosstools-forge/tree/forge2/plugins and run the org.jboss.tools.forge.ui.

We'll present this feature in our F2F so we'll document these procedures soon (together with an alpha1 release)

Best Regards,

George Gastaldi

Em 02/02/2013, às 13:49, Thomas Frühbeck <fruehbeck@aon.at> escreveu:

I tried to setup a Forge 2.0 instance from github repo.
What I did was:
- build forge: mvn install
- unzip core/dist/target/forge-distribution-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.zip

- install example and example2:
   bin/forge --install org.jboss.forge:example,2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
   bin/forge --install org.jboss.forge:example2,2.0.0-SNAPSHOT

- run Forge 2.0

I did not get any console, it's just silent.
Did I miss something?

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