In my recent video series I have two videos that describe Forge - and a Hibernate Tools interlude in-between, I wish to know if I have demo'd Forge well - did I highlight forge's best features?
4. Forge Introduction in JBoss Developer Studio 5 Forge is JBoss's rapid application development tool. A command line based tool that is embedded in JBoss Developer Studio 5. Run a whole script of commands to render a complete application.
5. Hibernate Tools for DB Reverse Engineering Hibernate Tools have been part of JBoss Developer Studio for a long time - now they are integrated with Dali - and you can use Dali's JPA Generate Entities from Tables feature. This video walks you through how to setup the Hibernate Configuration and the JBDC connection to allow for JPA entity generation. Sakila H2 Database:
6. Forge for DB Reverse Engineering with CRUD Forge also has a Hibernate Tools plugin that allows it to analyze a database schema and produce JPA entity classes. Then Forge can use its scaffolding feature to generate JSF2 Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) user interfaces.