Hey Max,

I usually run it with Eclipse and first run of Gradle takes about 5 seconds, I think that Gradle caches build files and that's why it works faster after that, but for every test new project is created so why it always takes so much.

I think the solution for this may be installing forge.gradle in user/.gradle directory, so it will compiled only once, which will result in better test performance.

About forge.gradle, it is library adding non-standard functionality to Gradle, which is used in Maven and project facets requires that, like profiles, setting archive name and managed/direct dependency support. Also it adds forgeOutput task which is used by addon to read effective project model (evaluated by running Gradle). In future if Gradle tooling API supports that we could remove it, but for now there is no better way to get information about the Gradle project. You can find forge.gradle contents here:

2013/8/20 Max Rydahl Andersen <manderse@redhat.com>
...cool - how is your arquillian test run done ? just run junit from eclipse or run via gradle or how ?
Just wondering what makes a difference here since maven aren't involved in a arqullian test run from eclipse.

and what is forge.gradle ?


On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 08:34:50PM -0400, Lincoln Baxter, III wrote:

AWESOME! And congratulations :) This is EXCELLENT!

I am very excited about this. Unfortunately, my work day just ended (after
about 11 hours,) so I need to take a break, but I will try this out

I wonder, does the Gradle eclipse plugin work well enough to resolve
dependencies and compile the java file?

Again - Thrilled,

On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 8:29 PM, Adam Wyłuda <adamwyl92@gmail.com> wrote:


I'd like to present you first screenshot of working project creation with
Gradle addon.

As you could see there are three text editors showing important aspects of
this experiment:
- build.gradle - created by Gradle facets, also updated by JPA - Setup
Forge command (which added managed dependency, but Eclipse log shows it
couldn't resolve something)
- MyEntity.java - class generated using JPA - New entity option
- pom.xml - I don't know how it got here, but I'm sure it is not used, as
Eclipse log shows that Gradle is being run to obtain info about project
(and very interesting thing - performance is much better than in Arquillian
tests, for each Gradle run it seems to take only about 0.3 seconds)

Project build file was entirely created and modified using only Gradle
facets (if you don't believe you can pull latest version and check it
yourself :)).

[image: Obraz w treści 1]

Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."

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