I discovered today that JDK1.6_18 or newer is required to build Seam-Forge. I kept getting the error pasted below and finally discovered this comment in a blog:
“The Java 6 compiler (pre update 18 I believe) seems to not be able to cope with subtypes of generic interfaces which contain different type parameters than the interface. Of course this should be (and is in newer compiler versions) possible because a subtype may implement an interface with certain type parameters and define a new set of type parameters.”
I upgraded to 1.6_23 today and compiled successfully.
[ERROR] \Java\Projects\seam-forge\parser-java\src\main\java\org\jboss\seam\forge\parser\java\impl\MethodImpl.java:[84,51] inconvertible types found : org.jboss.seam.forge.parser.java.JavaSource<capture#440 of ?> required: org.jboss.seam.forge.parser.java.JavaClass