Responses inline..

On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 7:38 PM, JFlower <> wrote:

i started to find material to solve the bugs in object.

1)�(FORGE-367)�[SOLVED] question: how add import with wildcard and/or static:

see my comment:�

In this version we accept wildcard inside the className and we accept static option:
- javaClass.addImport("org.junit.Assert.*").setStatic(true);

I like the way you have solved this.

If you want we could add a new method:
- javaClass.addStaticImport("org.junit.Assert.*");

No, I don't think this is necessary. We should be able to make the right decision.

2) (FORGE-563 - FORGE-424) question: creation of some�WildcardImportResolver implementation - where this resolver should find the complete className when we have some wildcard import?

That's the tricky part.

-�Could�we use the current ClassLoader and find all classes in that?

Well... the problem is that we can't use the Current classloader because that would be Forge's classloader. We need the classloader of the project, which is not actually classloaded, so we would need to classload the project (potentially very slow without an index.)
- Could�we�create some index with all classes inside all mvn dependencies/modules jar [using jboss module capabilities? using�tattletale? ]

We need to do *something* - I'll leave it up to you to play with some ideas and see what works well or not!
-�Could weuse jboss jandex to do that (also if jandex is�processes Java annotations)?

Have you some idea?

Nothing you haven't already mentioned :)


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Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."