Responses inline..
Hi,i started to find material to solve the bugs in object.1)�(FORGE-367)�[SOLVED] question: how add import with wildcard and/or static:see my comment:� this version we accept wildcard inside the className and we accept static option:- javaClass.addImport("org.junit.Assert.*").setStatic(true);
If you want we could add a new method:- javaClass.addStaticImport("org.junit.Assert.*");
2) (FORGE-563 - FORGE-424) question: creation of some�WildcardImportResolver implementation - where this resolver should find the complete className when we have some wildcard import?
-�Could�we use the current ClassLoader and find all classes in that?
- Could�we�create some index with all classes inside all mvn dependencies/modules jar [using jboss module capabilities? using�tattletale? ]
-�Could we�use jboss jandex to do that (also if jandex is�processes Java annotations)?
Have you some idea?
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