Hi Lincoln, just fork the addon is a workaround but if I expand this concept for many templates by project it fails.

By example, if I want to have some templates on my project and each resource use one of those this strategy fails.

I'm kind new to forge but I'm trying to understand it better to maybe create a new addon to make this possible.

My initial idea is to create something simple using scaffold base but with one more argumento like --template and pass the path of my template's project to be used, what do you think about this way? Makes sense?

Filipe Névola
Leader of Product Innovation Lab at Tecsinapse

Você conhece Jesus? Ainda não? Então busque conhecer pois você não está aproveitando sua vida como poderia.
Jesus disse em João 10:10b - "Eu vim para que tenham vida, e a tenham com abundância."

2014-06-03 12:25 GMT-03:00 Lincoln Baxter, III <lincolnbaxter@gmail.com>:
Hey Vineet,

What are your thoughts about this?

Filipe, sorry this is not simpler right now - we are in the middle of refactoring scaffolding to make things easier in this way, but for now I think the only way to do this is to fork the addon and build locally. I could be wrong, though.


On Fri, May 30, 2014 at 2:21 PM, Filipe Névola <filipenevola@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi, I'm starting with Forge and I would like to know how can I work with custom templates by project.

Let me try to be more clear, I want to have a project A using AngularJS Addon with custom templates for my views and a project B using AngularJS Addon with others custom templates.

The differences won't be only images, styles, etc but will be on the structure of html also.

My question is: How can I do that? Is there a simple way? Maybe some addon.

Thank you!
Filipe Névola
Leader of Product Innovation Lab at Tecsinapse

Você conhece Jesus? Ainda não? Então busque conhecer pois você não está aproveitando sua vida como poderia.
Jesus disse em João 10:10b - "Eu vim para que tenham vida, e a tenham com abundância."

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Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."

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