Hi everybody,

I have the following usecase. I am developing a web application that uses JPA with Eclipse Link and will be deployed on SAP HANA Cloud Platform (think of it as Tomcat). Which means that I need the Eclipse Link dependencies in the pom.xml in the compile scope. When I generated the project and set up Eclipse Link, I got this in the pom:


However, I rather need something like:


I see in org.jboss.forge.addon.javaee.jpa.providers.EclipseLinkProvider:

   public List<Dependency> listDependencies()
      return Arrays.asList((Dependency) DependencyBuilder.create("org.eclipse.persistence:eclipselink"),
               (Dependency) DependencyBuilder.create("org.eclipse.persistence:javax.persistence"));

So we already have functionality on provider level that knows which are the dependencies. However, it seems that this method is not called. What was the idea of having it? How can I make sure that the dependencies are correctly configured? 

I think that it has something to do with the type of the container: if it is SAP HANA Cloud Platform, then find the dependencies for the JPA provider and add them in the default scope of the pom.xml instead of adding hibernate-jpa-2.0-api. If it is a full fledged application server, then we can go with the API in provided scope. Something like this.

