On the topic of the domain name, I think forge.jboss.org is the very best for several reasons:
1) It's matches the name (JBoss Forge) we communicate well
2) It's still clear that it's a JBoss project
3) We could potentially migrate it to any other hosting solution if required for technical reasons
4) It communicates better then jboss.org/forge 

I don't think we should adopt any extra domain names, this is just confusing. 


On Apr 26, 2012, at 16:53 , Lincoln Baxter, III wrote:

The plugin repository is a place where authors can, online, without interacting with Git directly, add their plugin, a description, how to install/get started, and basic usage of the plugin. It's a webapp that runs on top of the repo git repository. It's searchable, and much like this: http://grails.org/plugins/


On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 9:43 AM, Rodney Russ <rruss@redhat.com> wrote:

----- "Max Rydahl Andersen" <max.andersen@redhat.com> wrote:

> >> * jboss.org/forge -> this can be easily got. However we cannot
> have
> >> all the services that we need (like hosting our plugin repository
> for
> >> example). We should stick to the ones offered by the jboss.org
> server
> >
> > -1 if we have limitations
> What does hosting plugin repo require ?
> I thought the repo was just a static file that would be regenerated
> from time to time ?

>From conversations with Lincoln, the repository would be more dynamic (e.g. web app) than static.  I'll let Lincoln list the details.  The other item we discussed was the URL's themselves as

forge.jboss.org/plugins would be preferred over

but that specifically is an aesthetic issue more than a technical one

> Would a reverse proxy setup be sufficient ?
> i.e. jboss.org/forge/repo redirected to some openshift hosted setup ?
> I don't think jboss.org guys would reject that upfront if they get
> asked.
> Depends of course of what IT etc. says and how the setup works - i.e.
> I got such setup for jboss central feeds to feedburner and the only
> challenge
> been that they only allow proxy redirect to specific set of IP's but
> that shouldn't
> be a a big problem for this should it ?
> >> * forge.jboss.org -> we can use this domain name in all kinds of
> cloud
> >> solutions (like Openshift). There we will be in power to choose
> the
> >> web site technology
> >
> > +1
> I got tools.jboss.org setup, but that just goes to jboss.org/tools and
> just because
> this was asked for long before they started using: issues.jboss.org,
> community.jboss.org, source.jboss.org etc.
> forge.jboss.org falls a bit outside of this so not sure how that fits,
> but worth asking jboss.org guys about.
> /max
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Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."
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