I want to install the plugin if it's not available.
Hmm... you want to make sure that a plugin is installed in a FSH script. Good question...
Do you need the plugin to be available, or just installed (and possible not available in the current context.) In reality, you probably really want to check for the availability of the command, yes?
I know that the shell throws errors on failure, but I'm not sure there's really a good way to test for that in a FSH script without using a try-catch block somehow. (Try catch would probably work, though I'm not exactly sure what the syntax would look like (it depends on your script to some extent.))
~LincolnOn Mon, May 7, 2012 at 3:27 PM, Jason Porter <lightguard.jp@gmail.com> wrote:
_______________________________________________Any idea how this could be done? I could do a forge list-plugins --all and iterate over that list (I think), but there should be a better way. Any suggestions?--
Jason Porter
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Open Source Advocate
Author of Seam Catch - Next Generation Java Exception Handling
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Lincoln Baxter, III
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