Hey Charles,

I think this is a really good and very important idea. Actually, we have something called the "DependencyInstaller.java", which does this same thing for Dependency instances. It would make sense to have something like a MavenPluginInstaller as well, I think. So this idea is excellent.

You could probably use that as an example :)

What do you think?


On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 8:47 AM, Charles SALMON <salmon.charles@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello all,

I recently contributed to the forge project (FORGE-842) by adding the pluginManagement support to the mavenPluginFacet.

One question is still opened, which is the purpose of this post.
Basically, it is about a smart plugin resolution, ie having the plugin properties (artifactId, groupId, version,...) automatically resolved when a plugin is defined in a "pluginManagement" section and used in a "plugins" section.
Let's take the following example:


Currently, a call to the
will return a null value, because the version is not declared in the "//build/plugins/plugin" section.
Maven will, however, resolve the plugin by using the version and configuration of the maven-compiler-plugin declared in the "//build/pluginManagement/plugins" section.
Moreover, we should also note that the pluginManagement section will be, most of the time, declared in the parent pom, which makes the smart resolution as follow:
1. Compute the effective pom
2. Resolve the plugin properties

My question is: based on the fact that similar implementation was done with Dependency and DependencyManagement sections (in the MavenDependencyFacet and DependencyInstaller), which methods should be implemented ?

Following the same logic, we could also thing of a smart "addPlugin" method: what if I add a plugin that is already managed, with the same version of the managed plugin ? With some configuration element(s) being the same as the managed plugin ? ...

Based on your answers, I will create a FORGE issue and will try to implement the missing methods.


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Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."