Hey Ryan,
Copying forge-dev so everyone can give thoughts. We
(I) really need to get the website up with the
tutorials so things like this are more
straightforward. Sorry!
If you use the built-in "new-plugin" command, you
get the POM creation stuff for free. I don't see a
reason to duplicate that. It'll basically just give
you a java maven project, which can then be
customized using the DependencyFacet, and other
facets like JavaSourceFacet.
Mostly we don't assume we need to create projects,
because we just operate on a "new-project" or any
other existing project.
For examples of this, take a look at the
javaee-impl/ module in the forge core/ project on
GitHub. This is a pretty comprehensive example of
the intended architecture (facets to abstract
functionality away from the project, then plugins to
interact with the facets.)
Glad to see this! Looking forward to doing some
spring stuff!
On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at
10:52 PM, Ryan Bradley
Hi Lincoln,
I'm not sure if you remember, but Marius
introduced us at the JBoss face-to-face meeting
in Toronto a few months ago. I've just started
working on a Forge plugin that can be used to
create Spring web applications.
However, Marius doesn't have much experience
with the Forge API, so I was wondering if I
could ask you a question. I was wondering how I
could use Forge to create and edit new files.
For example, when the user creates a new
project, the plugin should create files such as
a POM for the web app. If there's a simple
answer, or a good spot to look within the Forge
core, that would be much appreciated.
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Keep it Simple"