Thank you all for this discussion - I have just now gotten caught up. Just to be clear, I am not thrilled about the idea of requiring a special tool-suite to develop on Forge itself, but I would be willing to put up with it if using OSGi allows us to achieve our goals, which are (top 3):
1. Modularity and ClassLoader Isolation
2. Plugin/Facet services which can be depended upon by other plugins/facets (essentially enabling re-use of work and exponential progress between plugins.)
3. A standard and simple Maven / CDI development model for plugin authors (no Felix)
4. Modules distributable and dependencies resolvable via normal maven repositories (NOT with p2)
If these things are possible with OSGi and a little bit of elbow grease, which it sounds like they are, then I think we should seriously consider this for Forge 2.0.
~LincolnOn Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 8:05 AM, Max Rydahl Andersen <> wrote:
> Max, I hope you are kidding about going to p2 and tycho? :-)just as much as I'm hoping you are kidding about osgi ? :)
> Paul, bnd is fine until all your dependencies have correct manifests. What happens if one of the jars that we depend on does not have the 'Export packages' entry? We cannot use this jar inside an OSGi environment, I think.
> Regards,
> Ivan
> On Wed, Sep 26, 2012 at 4:59 PM, Max Rydahl Andersen <> wrote:
> On 26 Sep 2012, at 14:53, Ivan St. Ivanov <> wrote:
> > Hi Max,
> >
> > About your "server" question in the last sentence. If you refer to my post, I was trying to make an analogy:
> >
> > server <-> applications == Forge core <-> Forge plugins
> >
> > Please, let us not go to p2, tycho and Equinox? :-)
> why not ? tons of plugin devs could learn from a proper setup tool :)
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Lincoln Baxter, III
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