So you are saying if I type in x.y.z as package name you will create the empty sequence of directories:
<src>/x/y/z ?
If that is the case then I don't see the need for it before there actually is a file to put in there…?
Empty directories is a broken window.
What would be more fun is that forge would actually remember the last package name used for a command so
it would offer it as default (Lincoln - did you get that properties/config stuff in place ? :)
There is a mechanism for this. I'm using it in the Arquillian Extensions plugin.
That's the one that was entered at the least it appears that way.
I don't think that creating the directories is necessarily wrong. If they open the project in the IDE immediately after creating it, then the first time they create a class it's necessary to retype the package name. It's far easier to right click on an existing package structure and create a new class.
Perhaps the user can be prompted for this option (or it can be an optional option).
new-project --named myproject --topLevelPackage org.example.myproject --createPackages