Hey Antonio!

I'm definitely very interested in seeing more styles of programming supported! I think this would be a great project. I am all for it.

The interesting part will be trying to determine appropriate patterns for each style. REST APIs vary greatly, but if we can find some kind of best practice, which based on your blog, it looks like you already have an idea of, then I think that makes our job much simpler (and it is a complex job :)

So far, our command style is following this basic premise:

jpa-new-entity (instead of entity --named)
jpa-new-mapped-superclass --named Person
jpa-new-entity --named Vet --extends Person

{spec alias or acronym}-new-{something}
{spec alias or acronym}-{something}-from-{something else}

We have a dilemma with faces and CDI, though. Should we call them 'faces' and 'rest' or "jsf" and "jaxrs", since we already have "jpa" "ejb" etc. I think JAX-RS is the real issue, because most people know it as REST.

But back on topic, yes, I'm all for this!

On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 9:49 AM, Antonio Goncalves <antonio.mailing@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Vineet,

I've implemented the three different architectural styles and you can have a look at : https://github.com/agoncal/agoncal-sample-javaee/tree/master/03-TierArchitecture

Unfortunately I still have an issue with the RESTendpoint doing a paginate (I've asked some help in the jersey mailing list, but still no news, you can have a look at : https://java.net/projects/jersey/lists/users/archive/2013-10/message/64

If you look at the code for the three styles, there are not many changes. I would hope that Forge could help developers to generate different architectural styles. As I said, we could do something like this (depending on the future syntax : https://issues.jboss.org/browse/FORGE-944)

Horizontal :
  • jpa-scaffold-from-database
  • jsf-scaffold-from-entity
  • rest-scaffold-from-entity

EJB Centric :
  • jpa-scaffold-from-database
  • ejb-scaffold-from-entity 
  • jsf-scaffold-from-ejb
  • rest-scaffold-from-ejb

REST centric :
  • jpa-scaffold-from-database
  • rest-scaffold-from-entity
  • jsf-scaffold-from-rest
If that interests you, I would be more than happy to contribute to something like that.


2013/10/21 Vineet Reynolds Pereira <vpereira@redhat.com>

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Antonio Goncalves" <antonio.mailing@gmail.com>
> To: "forge-dev List" <forge-dev@lists.jboss.org>
> Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 2:09:41 PM
> Subject: [forge-dev] Several architectural styles in Forge (was Wondering about coding convention)
> 2013/10/21 Vineet Reynolds Pereira < vpereira@redhat.com >
> IMHO we should not be putting persistence concerns in either the JSF beans or
> the REST resources.
> They should go into a service or a repository or whatever data access pattern
> is suitable for the context.
> This is where we lack any standardization at the moment, and it would be
> better to not limit this exercise to improving the conventions alone, but
> also the architecture.
> Vineet, this is the topic I'm writing about at the moment. To be honest, I
> quite like to have persistent concerns in JSF beans and REST for certain
> projects... but not all, and that's where I thing Forge should give some
> choices. What I'm writing is about having 3 different architectural styles
> that could be resume like this (using CLI) :
> Current (generates JSF/REST from entities) :
> jsf-scaffold-from-entity
> rest-scaffold-from-entity
> EJB Centric (add a service layer to deal with persistence) :
> ejb-scaffold-from-entity
> jsf-scaffold-from-ejb
> rest-scaffold-from-ejb
> REST centric (the JSF backing beans use the REST endpoint, using JAX-RS 2.0
> Client API) :
> rest-scaffold-from-entity
> jsf-scaffold-from-rest

Very interesting. I was about to suggest linking any work in this space with FORGE-944.
Overall, I get the impression that we should structure commands based on
developer workflows given common architectural styles.

I'll await your post.

> I will let you know when the post is written, it will be clearer
> --
> Antonio Goncalves
> Software architect and Java Champion
> Web site | Twitter | LinkedIn | Paris JUG | Devoxx France
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Antonio Goncalves 
Software architect and Java Champion

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