Hi Vineet,

I've published the blog : http://antoniogoncalves.org/2013/10/29/several-architectural-styles-with-java-ee-7/

I've implemented the three different architectural styles and you can have a look at : https://github.com/agoncal/agoncal-sample-javaee/tree/master/03-TierArchitecture

Unfortunately I still have an issue with the RESTendpoint doing a paginate (I've asked some help in the jersey mailing list, but still no news, you can have a look at : https://java.net/projects/jersey/lists/users/archive/2013-10/message/64

If you look at the code for the three styles, there are not many changes. I would hope that Forge could help developers to generate different architectural styles. As I said, we could do something like this (depending on the future syntax : https://issues.jboss.org/browse/FORGE-944)

Horizontal :
  • jpa-scaffold-from-database
  • jsf-scaffold-from-entity
  • rest-scaffold-from-entity

EJB Centric :
  • jpa-scaffold-from-database
  • ejb-scaffold-from-entity 
  • jsf-scaffold-from-ejb
  • rest-scaffold-from-ejb

REST centric :
  • jpa-scaffold-from-database
  • rest-scaffold-from-entity
  • jsf-scaffold-from-rest
If that interests you, I would be more than happy to contribute to something like that.


2013/10/21 Vineet Reynolds Pereira <vpereira@redhat.com>

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Antonio Goncalves" <antonio.mailing@gmail.com>
> To: "forge-dev List" <forge-dev@lists.jboss.org>
> Sent: Monday, October 21, 2013 2:09:41 PM
> Subject: [forge-dev] Several architectural styles in Forge (was Wondering about coding convention)
> 2013/10/21 Vineet Reynolds Pereira < vpereira@redhat.com >
> IMHO we should not be putting persistence concerns in either the JSF beans or
> the REST resources.
> They should go into a service or a repository or whatever data access pattern
> is suitable for the context.
> This is where we lack any standardization at the moment, and it would be
> better to not limit this exercise to improving the conventions alone, but
> also the architecture.
> Vineet, this is the topic I'm writing about at the moment. To be honest, I
> quite like to have persistent concerns in JSF beans and REST for certain
> projects... but not all, and that's where I thing Forge should give some
> choices. What I'm writing is about having 3 different architectural styles
> that could be resume like this (using CLI) :
> Current (generates JSF/REST from entities) :
> jsf-scaffold-from-entity
> rest-scaffold-from-entity
> EJB Centric (add a service layer to deal with persistence) :
> ejb-scaffold-from-entity
> jsf-scaffold-from-ejb
> rest-scaffold-from-ejb
> REST centric (the JSF backing beans use the REST endpoint, using JAX-RS 2.0
> Client API) :
> rest-scaffold-from-entity
> jsf-scaffold-from-rest

Very interesting. I was about to suggest linking any work in this space with FORGE-944.
Overall, I get the impression that we should structure commands based on
developer workflows given common architectural styles.

I'll await your post.

> I will let you know when the post is written, it will be clearer
> --
> Antonio Goncalves
> Software architect and Java Champion
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Antonio Goncalves 
Software architect and Java Champion

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