Go get it! Several key features fixed! Developing Addons just got easier :)
- [FORGE-2003] - Forge workspace resolver fails to resolve local resource dependencies that are specified as <optional>
- [FORGE-2008] - Broken history in Forge console
Component Upgrade
- [FORGE-2002] - javaee-setup adds JavaEE 6 POM as a managed dependency when --javaEEVersion 7 is chosen
- [FORGE-2004] - UIContext.getSelection() should return a UISelection object
- [FORGE-2006] - Add @PreMatching to the CORS Filter
- [FORGE-2007] - JPA: Generate Entities From Tables wizard should tell people when something has gone wrong
Feature Request
- [FORGE-2005] - Display the project build errors after a command is executed when in a project context
Lincoln Baxter, III
http://ocpsoft.org"Simpler is better."