Hey Richard!
That sounds terrific.
If you could document some of this stuff (make your slides available, write some slide notes, record your presentation etc.) I'd be happy to re-present it
at the Sydney JUG?
> _______________________________________________
On 1/03/2012 7:25 AM, Ivan St. Ivanov wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Now with Forge already final, it's time for us to advertise it to our local JUGs. I would take the opportunity to talk about it in the Bulgarian JUG
> (somewhere in April though :-(). Here is what I plan to show:
> 1) General rant about Forge: what it is good for and how it differs from maven archetypes and Spring Roo (no religious stuff, I'm a Spring fan BTW)
> 2) Developing a Java EE application with scaffolding: here I would show something more complex than the conference sample app that Lincoln already
> presented on the Java2Days conference in Sofia last year. Here I would like to talk about some of the not so common features of the metawidget
> plugin. Any ideas? Of course also some Arquillian and OpenShift.
> 3) After a short break I would continue with a different type of application that you could implement with Forge. Looking at the plugins, maybe it could
> be the OSGi stuff.
> 4) Next: developing a plugin. Create a sample plugin, explanation of the different settings: command, options, usage of the shell prompt, the
> environment, the configuration API, etc.
> 5) Finally: the get involved section
> What do you think? Should I add something else or drop anything?
> Cheers,
> Ivan
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> forge-dev@lists.jboss.org
> https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/forge-dev
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