Hey All,

We've started working on the Forge 2 Eclipse UI integation - please see the latest work here:


Forge is booting and running from Eclipse (currently rigged up through "New -> Forge Addon", just so we have an easy way to start the runtime.)  Forge may then be queried for Addon services via:


Next step:

  1. How should the Forge integration in Eclipse look and feel?

  2. Where should the UI interactions begin? Menu, hotkey, etc? (I personally favor the CTRL-4 shortcut to bring up a forge command selector menu, like what currently is done in JBoss Tools.

That's all for now. This is all a prototype so now is the time to fix things if they need to chance. Please send your feedback! We want this to work as well as possible so are very open to feedback.

Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."