#forge Meeting

Meeting started by gastaldi at 14:13:22 UTC. The full logs are available

Meeting summary
* Agenda  (gastaldi, 14:13:54)

* Status Report  (gastaldi, 14:16:18)
  * Last week I have been fixing some bugs and making sure that the CI
    server is running smoothly.  (gastaldi, 14:16:59)
  * I have also added some new features to the UI API, like, making it
    API independent of CDI itself  (gastaldi, 14:18:36)
  * Weld is no longer in the Yourkit hotspot list. Enabling Jandex did
    the trick. This feature will be available in the next release
    (gastaldi, 14:21:23)

* JDK 8 Poll Results  (gastaldi, 14:22:50)
  * Last week I started a Poll about migrating Forge to JDK 8. These are
    the results:
    (gastaldi, 14:24:04)
  * Almost 70% are using JDK 8 and a bit more than 60% are fine in
    having Forge upgraded to JDK 8 in a minor release  (gastaldi,
  * The Forge team will release 2.20.0.Final still JDK 7 compatible.
    This will be the last 2.x release with new features. Next release
    will be Forge 3.0.0.Final (which will be master).  (gastaldi,
  * I have introduced a deprecation mechanism in commands, that would
    ease adoption on a new command naming convention  (gastaldi,
  * LINK: https://github.com/forge/roaster/pull/27   (gastaldi,
  * UPDATE: The Forge team will create a 3.x branch and release Forge 3
    only when a decent list of features are available. Development of
    2.x will continue on master branch  (gastaldi, 14:52:08)

* Priorities  (gastaldi, 15:00:08)
  * Weekly tasks will be focused on preparing the 3.x branch and
    implementing some features for a 3.0.0.Alpha1 release targetting
    November  (gastaldi, 15:13:42)

Meeting ended at 15:16:25 UTC.

Action Items

Action Items, by person
  * (none)

People Present (lines said)
* gastaldi (64)
* agoncal (29)
* jbossbot (6)
* jbott (6)
* vineetreynolds (0)

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