Hey Richard,
I think this is a good approach. Let's do it!
As a side note, if you are good with windows shell scripting (you have to be better than I,) do you think you might also be able to try this one? https://issues.jboss.org/browse/FORGE-305
All we need is a simply test. If NOT Java Version >= 6, Exit with error.
If that's tricky, no worries!
Hi guys,
I have identified the problem with installing plugins of Windows and looking for .forge in the wrong location. It seems it has nothing to do with any Java
code. Rather, the file bin/forge.bat contains...
if "%HOME%" == "" (set "HOME=%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%")
-modulepath %HOME%\.forge\plugins
So it is using the variable %HOME% *if it is not already set*. However, there is a small, fringe project (I don't think it'll ever catch on :) called 'Git'
which asks you to set an environment variable called HOME too. If I change all references to %HOME% to, say, %USERHOME%...
-modulepath %USERHOME%\.forge\plugins
Then it works. I haven't pushed any changes in case you disagree with this approach?
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