Hey Koen,
When you get a chance in the morning, could you figure out why the Forge 2 stuff is not registered and ACTIVE by default when installing from the update site? (details below)
Max and I spent some time last night to fix the build, but it looks like we are still missing some config here in a plugin.xml.
Only the Forge 1 Core and UI are RESOLVED.
The Forge 2 Core and UI are not showing up, and while it does look like they were actually installed during plugin installation, they are not showing up in the OSGI console:
osgi> ss org.jboss.tools.forge
"Framework is launched."
id State Bundle
1168 ACTIVE org.jboss.tools.forge.core_1.2.0.Alpha1-v20130228-0044-B242
1169 RESOLVED org.jboss.tools.forge.core.test_1.2.0.Alpha1-v20130228-0044-B242
1170 RESOLVED org.jboss.tools.forge.runtime_1.2.0.Alpha1-v20130228-0044-B242
1171 RESOLVED org.jboss.tools.forge.runtime.ext_1.2.0.Alpha1-v20130228-0044-B242
1172 ACTIVE org.jboss.tools.forge.ui_1.2.0.Alpha1-v20130228-0044-B242
1173 RESOLVED org.jboss.tools.forge.ui.test_1.2.0.Alpha1-v20130228-0044-B242