Hello all,

Hope you are enjoying some high-quality vacation time this time of the year.

Two Forge-Dev newbie questions here:

  1. I am in the process of creating a few patches or suggestions for Forge, and wonder if we have a codestyle XML or JAR for IntelliJ IDEA which matches the codestyle used in Forge. I have snooped around a tad on the site and in the repo, but so far could not find any. 
  2. While it is nice to use any IDE to define codestyle, it is even better if some code quality plugins run within Maven can validate/enforce the code quality within our development. I can find some (rather nonintrusive) plugin version definitions within the jboss-parent-10.pom, but not any actual codestyle enforcements (at least not within the Forge project). Have I missed them, or have the dev community agreed that we do not need code quality plugins run?
Thanks in advance.

| Bästa hälsningar,
| [sw. "Best regards"]
| Lennart Jörelid
| EAI Architect & Integrator
| jGuru Europe AB
| Mölnlycke - Kista
| Email: lj@jguru.se
| URL:   www.jguru.se
| Phone
| (skype):    jgurueurope
| (intl):     +46 708 507 603
| (domestic): 0708 - 507 603