Looks like it's doable with Forge 2. I'd love to know which issue you had with JBM in your past experience.

Join us in the IRC (#forge in irc.freenode.net) and we'll help you out on setting up a new addon to do that.

Em 04/02/2014, às 11:35, Alex Soto <asotobu@gmail.com> escreveu:

Hello Forge folks,

this is Alex, I am the developer of AsciidoctorJ, the interface between Ruby part of Asciidoctor and Java. There is one project called Hyla https://github.com/cmoulliard/hyla (written in Ruby) which is something like a console for working with Asciidoctor. Basically what I am going to do is something similar but for Java.

What I want is create some commands which allows you to create an Asciidoctor project for example with DZSlides structure, so for example user can do:

$>asciidoctor install template dzslides http://......... #this command download a template from internet and install it inside forge directory.

$>asciidoctor create dzslides /home/alex/mypresentation #this command basically uncompress the downloaded file inside the destination directory

$>asciidoctor render #this command renders the project.

Then as you can see it is a very lightweight operations, basically download something from internet, uncompress it, and run a compilation command. Of course maybe in future I can add something like push to github-pages, ....

But my original idea was to usig Crest (project from Tomitribe) because I don't need many things provided by (Forge 1), but after Forge 2 is released (which means user can install the required addons instead of having some predefined addons), 

I send this email because Lincoln asked it in Twitter, so I don't know what are your thoughts about this. 

BTW one thing that worries me a lot is about using JBoss Modules because historically has complicated a bit our life with classloader issues and JRuby, but of course may be it is time to give a try with Forge.

Thank you so much,
  Alex Soto Bueno 
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