I think I've got a very simple solution for this working, have a look at this branch: https://github.com/paulbakker/core/commits/plugin-repo
It's a new plugin, I added it to the core for now, and believe it belongs there. The plugin does nothing else than parse a remote xml file. The xml file looks as follows:


It will than prompt the user: Which plugin do you want to install: 
  1 - [OSGI]
  2 - [Arquillian]
  3 - [Seam Persistence]

After the user chooses a plugin it will install the plugin by executing "forge git-plugin [url]"

If we add this to the core and keep the xml external a user is always able to install known plugins easily. New plugnis can be added to the xml file without rebuilding the source.

If we go forward with this idea we can also add things like automatic updates for example.



On Sat, Jun 4, 2011 at 7:46 AM, Lincoln Baxter, III <lincolnbaxter@gmail.com> wrote:
+1, let's see how it goes :) definitely open to options.

On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 5:02 PM, Brian Leathem <bleathem@gmail.com> wrote:

On 05/31/2011 01:54 PM, Paul Bakker wrote:
> I would like to prototype a PluginPackage (one of the names we
> discussed) and see how that works out. If we like that way we can keep
> the plugins separated, otherwise we can re-consider. Shall I assign
> the JIRA issue to myself?
> Paul

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Lincoln Baxter, III
"Keep it Simple"

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