Hi Antonio,

You should either have the JBoss snapshot repository in your settings.xml, or download and build all projects, which SNAPSHOT versions Forge core depends. Here is my script (it assumes that I have all the projects in the ~/projects/forge directory):

echo Updating Aesh ...
cd ~/projects/forge/2.0/aesh && git pull && mvn clean install -DskipTests;
echo Updating Aesh Extensions ...
cd ~/projects/forge/2.0/aesh-extensions && git pull && mvn clean install -DskipTests;
echo Updating Furnace...
cd ~/projects/forge/2.0/furnace && git pull && mvn clean install -DskipTests;
echo Updating Furnace CDI ...
cd ~/projects/forge/2.0/furnace-cdi && git pull && mvn clean install -DskipTests;
echo Updating Furnace Simple...
cd ~/projects/forge/2.0/furnace-simple && git pull && mvn clean install -DskipTests;
echo Updating Roaster...
cd ~/projects/forge/2.0/roaster && git pull && mvn clean install -DskipTests;
echo Updating Core...
cd ~/projects/forge/2.0/core && git fetch upstream && git rebase upstream/master && mvn clean install -DskipTests


On Sun, Feb 8, 2015 at 8:31 PM, Antonio Goncalves <antonio.mailing@gmail.com> wrote:
I do have Maven 3.2.5.... but didn't have the latest version of the code.

But now I have this : 

Failed to execute goal on project addon-manager-spi: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.jboss.forge.addon:addon-manager-spi:jar:2.14.1-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact org.jboss.forge.furnace.container:cdi:jar:forge-addon:2.14.1-SNAPSHOT in jboss-public-repository-group (http://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public/)

I'm pretty sure my settings.xml is ok.... any idea ?


2015-02-08 19:17 GMT+01:00 George Gastaldi <ggastald@redhat.com>:
3.2.5, sorry. Make sure you pulled the latest sources too

Em 08/02/2015, às 16:16, George Gastaldi <ggastald@redhat.com> escreveu:

This is odd. I am building with 2.3.5 and everything goes fine. Are you sure there is no other Maven in your Path? Try running mvn --version.

Em 08/02/2015, às 16:05, Antonio Goncalves <antonio.mailing@gmail.com> escreveu:

I'm just trying to build the lastest Forge core SNAPSHOT


2015-02-08 0:57 GMT+01:00 George Gastaldi <ggastald@redhat.com>:
Are you using Forge 2.14.0.Final? You'll get this error with any other version besides that

Em 07/02/2015, às 20:36, Antonio Goncalves <antonio.mailing@gmail.com> escreveu:

Hi guys,

I'm getting a bit lost here. I have the same issue (ava.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.aether.spi.connector.Transfer$State) and I'm using Maven 3.2.5. 

Shall I downgrade Maven version as Soro suggested ? Or keep 3.2.5 as stated in http://lists.jboss.org/pipermail/forge-dev/2015-January/004189.html. If yes, what do I have to do to make it work under 3.2.5 ?


2015-01-29 15:15 GMT+01:00 <forge-dev@lists.jboss.org>:
Hi Mickael,

We have news about it.
[forge-dev] Maven 3.2.5 support (http://lists.jboss.org/pipermail/forge-dev/2015-January/004189.html)

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Original post: https://developer.jboss.org/message/917302#917302
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Antonio Goncalves 
Software architect and Java Champion

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Antonio Goncalves 
Software architect and Java Champion

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Antonio Goncalves 
Software architect and Java Champion

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