Hi Max,
Actually these are two separate issues. And to be honest, I mislead you with my statement that you just cited. :-(
The one that you refer to is about any lack of formatting when creating an entity. And it appears to happen not only on Windows. There you don't get any new lines between the last import, the @Entity annotation and the class declaration. And can be fixed only by calling the format twice (or maybe by using another hidden pearl of the JDT API).
While here, I'm struggling with an issue that you get \n instead of \r\n when you create a JavaClass (not an Entity) on Windows 7.
Sorry again for the confusion!
On Mon, Apr 9, 2012 at 5:22 PM, Max Rydahl Andersen
<max.andersen@redhat.com> wrote:
> The first one was already discussed by and large and a decision was made to try and fix the test and not the code (unfortunately I still don't have answer from eclipse jdt core on my question about formatting).
what is that question ? last you wrote on irc is that formatting worked if not doing it on the same document twice.