
Forge 1.1.0.Final is on the staging repository, ready to be released. However, when I tested installing any plugin (arquillian for example) I get the following message and the plugin is ignored :

Not loading plugin [org.arquillian.forge.arquillian-plugin] because it references Forge API version [1.0.3-SNAPSHOT] which may not be compatible with my current version [1.1.0.Final]. To remove this plugin, type 'forge remove-plugin org.arquillian.forge.arquillian-plugin:1.0.3-SNAPSHOT:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-a13eaa1a-1d84-45bc-921c-4829dd36c0e9. Otherwise, try installing a new version of the plugin.

What should we do ? Change each plugin to be compatible with this version or change the 1.1.0.Final code to ignore it ?

Suggestions appreciated,

Best Regards,

George Gastaldi | Senior Software Engineer
JBoss Forge Team
Red Hat