I've just tested plink.exe from http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/download.html and it worked on Windows environment.

openshift plugin can propose its installation if NativeSystemCall returns an error on Windows Environment. What you think ?

2012/10/10 Rafael Benevides <rafabene@gmail.com>
Good question!

I was just investigating a solution for Windows environment. 

2012/10/10 Lincoln Baxter, III <lincolnbaxter@gmail.com>

Isn't the current JBoss Tools way of doing this OS-specific? E.g. The user would need to have openSSH installed in windows to make this work? Or is that assumed?


On Wed, Oct 10, 2012 at 12:00 PM, William DeCoste <wdecoste@redhat.com> wrote:
Unfortunately not yet. The REST API does not expose this feature yet. It's on the roadmap. It will probably be exposed as status.

On 10/10/12 9:01 AM, Rafael Benevides wrote:
Bill / Andre / Xavier

I didn't find on openshift-java-client how to tail files.

Does it have this feature ?


Em 04-10-2012 10:24, Xavier Coulon escreveu:
Hi !

As Max mentioned, you should find all the API you need to implement the features listed below in the Forge plugin in the new openshift-java-client (V2.0), except maybe the 'tail files' feature which we implemented in JBossTools because we use specific Eclipse APIs to display the output in a MessageConsole. Maybe this could be refactored and moved partially into the java-client library, though (we did not need to do that when we worked on it a few months ago).

Also, if you haven't already seen it, André recently wrote an article about the new client library: https://community.jboss.org/en/tools/blog/2012/08/24/show-domain-info-openshift-java-client-in-a-nutshell 

Best regards, 

On Oct 4, 2012, at 1:39 PM, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

So I just started working on EAP support. https://issues.jboss.org/browse/FORGEPLUGINS-88 opened!

Oh I was wondering why EAP wasn't supported.
Didn't realize the forge openshift install was jboss specific.

One item I got is that we check if the projects setup by JBoss Tools, openshift client and OpenShift Forge client are compatible or can be made compatible.

i.e. forge *always* uses "openshift" as the remote afaik - openshift client always create projects where the remote is in "origin" - as a consequence jboss tools
added support for naming the remote used so you could align them.

If openshift could allow naming the remote or pick up the existing remote pointing to openshift these things could be aligned.

Pete and Lincoln talked about some of them in JavaOne here are some:
  * support for embedding cartridges
  * support for eap
  * tail files

all of the above is available for use from the new openshift client.

I also got those:
  * setup when openshift application exists
  * snapshot management ?
  * key management ?
  * alias management
  * enable scaling on create app ?
  * Use alternate openshift config file

whats this one ?

  * config port forward ?

we got this in jbosstools - for forge I guess it requires running a jsch port forward (or launch ssh native in separate process) ?

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Bill DeCoste
Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat

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Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."

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