---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lincoln Baxter, III <>
Date: Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 1:15 PM
Subject: Re: How to check-out and build Forge 2.0
To: Gorkem Ercan <>, Sebastien Blanc <>, Pavel Slegr <>

Here is a simple example addon:

On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 12:59 PM, Lincoln Baxter, III <> wrote:
Figured out why my quick demo didnt work, lol...

I forgot META-INF/beans.xml

This will be relieved when we get the new-project plugin able to create forge addon projects :)

On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 12:57 PM, Lincoln Baxter, III <> wrote:
Clone the forge core repo:

    git clone forge-core
Make sure to check out the 2.0 branch.
    cd forge-core
    git checkout 2.0

    mvn clean install

Check out and build the forge-jbosstools repo:

    git clone

Check out the forge2 branch

    cd plugins/
    mvn clean install

Now... if you want to install some of the pre-existing addons: (really required to be able to work with forge in Eclipse, you at least need the addon manager.)

Use these instructions for Forge 1 when installing the distribution from your local build: (


Now you will be able to use the addon-manager from Eclipse Forge 2 wizards.

Press CTRL-6 to launch the Forge command chooser in Eclipse.

Some examples of addons can be found:

We recommend this project layout, but you only need to do one pom/project with all sources/resources/etc. You don't need a multi-module build.

Please, join the, and also the #forge IRC channel on


Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."

Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."

Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."

Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."