Hi Lukman!

That would be nice. However, to implement it, the developer must know about:

A) the Forge 2 architecture and components;
B) have a deep understanding of the Forge UI addon

I'd love to help when possible. You can reach me (gastaldi) in the #forge channel in irc.freenode.net during weekdays.

Best Regards,

George Gastaldi

Em 23/11/2013, às 20:33, Lukman Oladimeji Adekunle <adekunle@ut.ee> escreveu:

Hi all ,

My name is Lukman Adekunle, I am an Msc student from the University of Tartu. I am hoping to take on the topic 

"Support Forge 2.0 in IntelliJ Idea and/or NetBeans" . The Criteria for a masters thesis topic in my school are the following:

– a solution either to an advanced engineering problem at the time of writing a thesis

or an answer to a novel research question 

-Should demonstrate your professional qualities and mastery in the field .

is this a good topic ? 

if yes what are things needed to get me started ? 




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