Hi all,I'm a bit particular on wording because I think that the right word makes things easier for the new comer. I'm implementing a new UI command to add an injection point to a class. So, the name of the command would be cdi-add-injection-point. But then I started to have a look at the other xxx-add-yyy commands :addon-add-dependencyproject-add-dependenciesproject-add-managed-dependenciesproject-add-repositoryjava-add-annotationconstraint-addThey all add something, into something already existing. If we take this definition for granted, shouldn't the following commands be renamed add instead of new :jpa-new-named-querycdi-new-conversationjava-new-enum-constjava-new-fieldjava-new-methodjpa-new-field--Antonio Goncalves
Software architect and Java Champion
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