Hi guys, I'm writing this because this friday I'll talk about forge and errai-plugin and I'm getting some trouble.

I try to synthesize in few words:

1) errai-plugin: the generated web.xml is is configured for jetty and doesn't work on JBoss AS 7 (my presentation target) and I needed to remove everything but the DefaultBlockingServlet mapping
2) errai-plugin: pom.xml reference a SNAPSHOT version of errai instead of 2.1.0.FINAL (I think this is due to the fact is a CR1)
3) errai-plugin: generated pom.xml has wrong version and a bad dependency ("org.jboss.weld.servlet:weld-se:1.1.6.Final" instead of org.jboss.weld.servlet:weld-servlet:1.1.6.Final !)
4) errai-plugin: if I install CDI and then I install JAXRS the pom.xml is modified but not the App.gwt.xml file !! Had to modify by hand (with strange errors indeed)
5) jboss-plugin: here the fact is quite involved. I have many heap and perm gen (on 64bit JVM) memory problems, so I looked for a way to configure memory. I saw the plugin has a jvmArgs property but this is never read or written. I had to modify it into the plugin itself.
6) eclipse forge plugin: there no way to increase memory for the forked forge. Default memory is enough in all situation but when I deploy on JBoss AS7, from time to time I receive OOM errors and I have to kill AS7 and restart forge

Am I doing something wrong ?? Do you think I'm following a bad road for my presentation ??

Thank you guys.
