also if we press tab in shell we could display a json skeleton with empty values:

network-config --proxybypass { "host": "", "provider": ""}

2015-08-23 14:13 GMT-03:00 Rafael Pestano <>:
Hi George,

custom layout is nice but I think tabular data is a common case that could be provided out of the box. We need to think about the shell, maybe we can represent input data as json.

Here's an example for network config to add proxy bypass (image in first message):

@WithAttributes(label = "Proxy bypass")
private UIInputTable<ProxyBypass> proxyByPassConfig;

ProxyBypass is a pojo with 2(String) fields (host and provider), the name of the fields could be used for table column names.

in shell we could use the following command:

network-config --proxybypass { "host": "", "provider": "Manual"}

Don't know if its viable, for now I'll stick with input many.

2015-08-23 11:12 GMT-03:00 George Gastaldi <>:

We do have requesting a custom extension point to allow custom component inputs to be rendered (that's why the inputType attribute in HintsFacet is a String), so you could implement your own component using the Eclipse API and the Forge plugin would render as you like, but that is not implemented yet.

Best Regards,
George Gastaldi

Em 23/08/2015 11:07, "George Gastaldi" <> escreveu:

Hi Rafael,

For now you can use UInputMany to make it render as a checkbox table (one column only), but that would be interesting to have, as long as we find a way to input data like this in shell. Ideas are welcome.

Best Regards,

George Gastaldi

Em 23/08/2015 09:26, "Rafael Pestano" <> escreveu:

there is any intention to add a table ui component in Forge?

I would like to generate an output like eclipse network config:



Rafael M. Pestano

Desenvolvedor Java Cia. de Processamento de Dados do Rio Grande do Sul

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Rafael M. Pestano

Desenvolvedor Java Cia. de Processamento de Dados do Rio Grande do Sul


Rafael M. Pestano

Desenvolvedor Java Cia. de Processamento de Dados do Rio Grande do Sul