If we did go with this, we'd have to customize it, and I'm not really sure that would put us in a better place than we are at right now.

On Mon, Jun 17, 2013 at 10:55 AM, Lincoln Baxter, III <lincolnbaxter@gmail.com> wrote:
I don't like it. It's too vanilla.

On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 10:41 PM, <ggastald@redhat.com> wrote:
Hi Dan,

Yeah, couldn't agree more. These examples are really eye-catching.
Also unsurprisingly they are Bootstrap-based websites too :)

However I think we need to find a perfect color combo for the Forge website (something "catchy" like the purple and green in Arquillian).
Any design expert volunteer to aid on this job ?

Best Regards,

George Gastaldi

On 06/12/2013 05:01 PM, Dan Allen wrote:
Overall it's a pretty good theme. I have a few critiques, though:

1. The content font size should go up at least one more pixel. The smaller it is, the easier it is to skim or skip.
2. The black text color should be no lighter than #444444 (it's currently #656565). Anything less than #444444 is just being mean to readers.
3. I'd like to see some other colors than blue and gray. It looks too monotonous as is. (One of the best parts of Arquillian.org is the purple and green! Don't fear color!!)


p.s. Per the color point, here are some examples that pop:
- http://jekyllrb.com
- http://emberjs.com
- http://pedestal.io/

On Wed, Jun 12, 2013 at 1:37 PM, George Gastaldi <ggastald@redhat.com> wrote:
I think we should use it in our website. Thoughts?

Início da mensagem encaminhada

De: Ryszard Koźmik <rkozmik@redhat.com>
Data: 12 de junho de 2013 16:29:55 BRT
Para: jboss-dev-all R&D <jboss-dev-all@redhat.com>, thecore Core <thecore@redhat.com>
Cc: Pete Muir <pmuir@redhat.com>, James Cobb <jcobb@redhat.com>, Mark Newton <mnewton@redhat.com>
Assunto: JBoss Community Bootstrap theme release announcement


The jboss.org Team are proud to announce the release of the JBoss Community Bootstrap theme aimed at projects wishing to host project pages using the jboss.org domain name (e.g. jboss.org/<project> or <project>.jboss.org):

The theme is structured as an Awestruct project in order to act as a starting point for development of project pages, principally through the use of HAML layouts which have been confirmed to work well with the modified Bootstrap CSS and JavaScript. Although the CSS (LESS) and JavaScript source code are stored in the repo the intention is for projects to reference the compiled/hosted versions at:

http://static.jboss.org/theme/css/bootstrap-community/ - the first part of the version number represents the version of Bootstrap being customised (here it is Bootstrap 2.3.1)

This ensures that the L&F for all projects using the jboss.org domain has some form of consistency, rather than each project having their own modifications and looking slightly different. Ideally all projects will update to subsequent releases of the JBoss Community Bootstrap theme at the same time but we recognise there may be some delay which could introduce some inconsistencies.

Full instructions for use can be found in the README.md file including System Requirements and steps to fork the repo contents into your own GitHub organization in order to start your project.

You can find an example project site using the latest version of the JBoss Community Bootstrap theme here:

If you'd like to report issues with the theme please use the 'www.jboss.org (Awestruct)' component of the http://issues.jboss.org/browse/ORG project.

Staging and Trademarked Images
In addition to the www_htdocs/<project> directories on filemgmt.jboss.org that contain the production versions of your project websites you can now upload files to a stg_htdocs/<project> directory in order to test them first on a staging domain name, e.g. <project>-stg.jboss.org

Similarly you can now upload any Red Hat trademarked images such as project logos, banners and desktops to an images_htdocs/<project> directory which makes them accessible from http://static.jboss.org/images/<project> as per legal requirements. These can then be referenced in your project pages.

This release was a combined effort from the jboss.org team and Eng Ops with additional thanks going to Xavier Coulon, Jason Porter and Pete Muir for reporting issues and suggesting fixes.

Best Regards,

Ryszard Koźmik

forge-dev mailing list


forge-dev mailing list

George Gastaldi | Senior Software Engineer
JBoss Forge Team
Red Hat

forge-dev mailing list

Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."

Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."