Future direction related issues. Will put this on the website ASAP.
New branch for 2.x:
Meeting ended Wed Apr 11 15:03:22 2012 UTC. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot . (v 0.1.4)
Minutes: http://transcripts.jboss.org/meeting/irc.freenode.org/forge/2012/forge.2012-04-11-14.02.html
Minutes (text): http://transcripts.jboss.org/meeting/irc.freenode.org/forge/2012/forge.2012-04-11-14.02.txt
Log: http://transcripts.jboss.org/meeting/irc.freenode.org/forge/2012/forge.2012-04-11-14.02.log.html
Meeting summary --------------- * Agenda (lincolnthree1, 14:03:02) * Forge website (lincolnthree1, 14:03:11) * Long term developments (paul) (lincolnthree1, 14:04:28) * Forge website (lincolnthree1, 14:06:02) * ACTION: Paul changes the docs Awestruct plugin to use a new variable for page ordering (paulbakker_, 14:19:57) * LINK: irc://irc.freenode.net:6667/#Action Paul changes the docs Awestruct plugin to use a new variable for page ordering (lincolnthree1, 14:20:32) * ACTION: Paul changes the docs Awestruct plugin to use a new variable for page ordering (lincolnthree1, 14:20:51) * ACTION: Paul writes down an initial set of JIra issues (paulbakker_, 14:32:26) * Long term developments (lincolnthree1, 14:35:39) * ACTION: Lincoln will document the future vision on the website and in JIRA (lincolnthree1, 14:46:23) * Forge 2.0 - Separate forge core into standalone without bultin plugins (lincolnthree1, 14:49:06) * Forge 2.0 - Support additional build tools (lincolnthree1, 14:49:12) * ACTION: lincoln will create a 2.0 branch for future magical work (lincolnthree1, 14:55:12) Meeting ended at 15:03:22 UTC. Action Items ------------ * Paul changes the docs Awestruct plugin to use a new variable for page ordering * Paul changes the docs Awestruct plugin to use a new variable for page ordering * Paul writes down an initial set of JIra issues * Lincoln will document the future vision on the website and in JIRA * lincoln will create a 2.0 branch for future magical work
Lincoln Baxter, III
"Simpler is better."