Hello guys.

I'm a completely newbie Forge user. Looking on Forge plugins I was wondering how complex would be develop a plugin for Glassfish v3 AS.

I've cloned the jboss-as7 plugin from Github to look at the code and I could observe it uses the AS7 CLI API to interact with or manage the JBoss AS7. But I was wondering if would be possible to manage an AS using just it's Maven Plugin or a REST API (if provided by AS).

Many modern Application Servers, as JBossAS7, has Maven Plugin which supports basic management functions (start, stop, deploy, redeploy), and some others has REST Management APIs. So, I would like to know what do you think about use these kind of API to develop AS management plugins instead specific AS  management API (like AS7 CLI API)? 

Rafael Torres Coelho Soares