Ryan, how did you get around this?

Thomas, perhaps you could try including seam-render instead of MVEL? Make sure you use the same version that Forge Shell uses as a temporary workaround.


On Mon, Feb 13, 2012 at 5:33 PM, Thomas Frühbeck <fruehbeck@aon.at> wrote:
Hi Ryan, Lincoln

> I ran into similar problems with my own plugin development.  Including
> MVEL as a Maven dependency in your pom.xml should resolve this issue.

this is exactly what I have tried to do. This will really look ugly :/
I will write it as clear as possible:

in pom.xml  I added:

On forge install-plugin ~/blabla/  I get:
***SUCCESS*** Installed from [plugin-faces-idaware] successfully.
Wrote /home/thomas/.forge/plugins/at/tfr/forge/plugin-faces-id-aware
Wrote /home/thomas/.forge/plugins/at/tfr/forge/plugin-faces-id-aware/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-6c38c8fd-45f4-4736-ad0a-467dc9154a11
Wrote /home/thomas/.forge/plugins/at/tfr/forge/plugin-faces-id-aware/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-6c38c8fd-45f4-4736-ad0a-467dc9154a11/plugin-faces-id-aware.jar
Wrote /home/thomas/.forge/plugins/at/tfr/forge/plugin-faces-id-aware/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-6c38c8fd-45f4-4736-ad0a-467dc9154a11/module.xml
Wrote /home/thomas/.forge/plugins/at/tfr/forge/plugin-faces-id-aware/dependencies
Wrote /home/thomas/.forge/plugins/at/tfr/forge/plugin-faces-id-aware/dependencies/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-6c38c8fd-45f4-4736-ad0a-467dc9154a11
Wrote /home/thomas/.forge/plugins/at/tfr/forge/plugin-faces-id-aware/dependencies/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-6c38c8fd-45f4-4736-ad0a-467dc9154a11/metawidget-all-2.0.jar
Wrote /home/thomas/.forge/plugins/at/tfr/forge/plugin-faces-id-aware/dependencies/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-6c38c8fd-45f4-4736-ad0a-467dc9154a11/mvel2-2.1.Beta7.jar
Wrote /home/thomas/.forge/plugins/at/tfr/forge/plugin-faces-id-aware/dependencies/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-6c38c8fd-45f4-4736-ad0a-467dc9154a11/module.xml

So to me it is clear, that I was successful, integration of Mvel libraries is done.
But when I invoke my plugin, I get _a LoaderConstraintViolation_!!

[myidaware] myidaware $ set VERBOSE true
[myidaware] myidaware $ scaffold from-entity at.tfr.test.model.* --scaffoldType idaware
Use which scaffold provider?

  1 - [idaware]
  2 - [faces]*

 ? Choose an option by typing the number of the selection [*-default]  [0] 1
***ERROR*** [scaffold from-entity] loader constraint violation: loader (instance of org/jboss/modules/ModuleClassLoader) previously initiated loading for a different type with name "org/mvel2/templates/CompiledTemplate"
org.jboss.forge.shell.exceptions.CommandExecutionException: loader constraint violation: loader (instance of org/jboss/modules/ModuleClassLoader) previously initiated loading for a different type with name "org/mvel2/templates/CompiledTemplate"

Caused by: java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: loader (instance of org/jboss/modules/ModuleClassLoader) previously initiated loading for a different type with name "org/mvel2/templates/CompiledTemplate"

So for me it is evident, that I brought my own Mvel jar, but the module loader will not let me use it!

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Lincoln Baxter, III
"Keep it Simple"