It's possible that the shade include is too liberal, and things are getting overlapped just from that, but...

The first thing I would try is this:

cd plugin-hibernate-tools/
mvn dependency:tree

That will tell maven to dump out a list of all dependencies and what included them. If you see multiple freemarker impls, then we can go from there. If not, it's possible the shade config is messing things up, in which case we will need to work on an alternative bundling strategy. Forge does not bundle Freemarker, so that shouldn't be the issue.


On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 11:45 AM, brian <> wrote:
dude i'm stuck.  i don't know shade, and i'm getting what looks like
classloader issues with freemarker... looks like my plugin is getting
freemarker 2.3.8 included from somewhere... and i've added (per
freemarker specs) 2.3.16 to the hibernate-tools plugin pom.  both build
clean when built separately but sourcing the hib-tools plugin gives what
looks like a classloader problem:

***SUCCESS*** Build successful.
***INFO*** Installing plugin artifact.
Wrote /home/brianx/.forge/plugins/
***SUCCESS*** Installed from [brianxlong-plugin-hibernate-tools-2f38225]
Exception in thread "Thread-32"
java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access class
freemarker.ext.beans.MethodMap from class freemarker.ext.beans.MethodMap

...the build from my new plugin says that it is excluding freemarker
2.3.8 (means included somewhere else - i think in the base forge

so i need to rebuild forge?

Lincoln Baxter, III
"Keep it Simple"