Woops! This is not correct. I'll have to check, but I think that the generated web services require only EJB, and JPA.
Thank you for finding this! Do you feel like submitting a bug in JIRA?
Hi guys,
While looking at forge code I found this:
* Make sure we have all the features we need for this to work.
if (!project.hasAllFacets(Arrays.asList(CDIFacet.class, PersistenceFacet.class)))
request.fire(new InstallFacets(true, EJBFacet.class, PersistenceFacet.class));
On first look it is OK but then I noticed that Facets checked in if are not the same that are installed after that. More specifically there is check for CDIFacet but then EJBFacet is installed.
Is that supposed to be this way or there is something wrong here?
This is RestPlugin.java
Doychin Bondzhev
dSoft-Bulgaria Ltd.
PowerPro - billing & provisioning solution for Service providers
PowerStor - Warehouse & POS
Mobile: +359888243116
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