As George said, UISelectMany (or UIInputMany, depending on if you know the possible values up front, or if the values are "open ended) serve to meet both of your use cases. There are examples of this in the AddonRemoveCommand.

On Sun, Oct 26, 2014 at 9:07 AM, George Gastaldi <> wrote:
Hi Antonio,

As Daniel said, you need to use UISelectMany (eg: See the UI addon documentation about the possible UI types:

Em 26/10/2014, às 10:06, Daniel Cunha <> escreveu:

Hiho Antonio,

jpa-new-listener --named MyListener --lifecycle PRE_PERSIST, POST_UPDATE, POST_REMOVE

Maybe, DeltaSpike Addon can help you.
It’s simple and easy to understand.

In DeltaSpike Addon you can do that:

deltaspike-install-modules[1] --modules JPA JSF Servlet Data

For this case:

jpa-new-entity --named  MyEntity --listener DebugListener, AuditListener

I don’t have a sample for it or I don’t remeber now.


On Sun, Oct 26, 2014 at 9:27 AM, Antonio Goncalves <> wrote:

And I have the same need for "Being able to create a new JPA listener" ( :
jpa-new-listener --named MyListener --lifecycle PRE_PERSIST, POST_UPDATE, POST_REMOVE

2014-10-26 12:23 GMT+01:00 Antonio Goncalves <>:
Hi guys,

I want to work on "Being able to add a listener when creating a new JPA entity "( Basically, when I create a new JPA entity, I want to be able to add as many listeners as I want.

jpa-new-entity --named  MyEntity --listener DebugListener, AuditListener

Would generate :

@EntityListeners({ DebugListener.class, AuditListener })
public class MyEntity

How do I do to be able to have several choices on an attribute ? I only know how to manage one value but not several one. Is it doable ? Any exemple in any Forge command ?


Antonio Goncalves 
Software architect and Java Champion

Web site | Twitter | LinkedIn | Paris JUG | Devoxx France

Antonio Goncalves 
Software architect and Java Champion

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