Work on FORGE-2220 started by George Gastaldi.
IntelliJ IDEA plugin: UX issues
Key: FORGE-2220
Project: Forge
Issue Type: Bug
Components: UI - IntelliJ IDEA
Reporter: Vaclav Tunka
Assignee: George Gastaldi
Fix For: 3.x Future
When you use latest forge in latest IDEA, there are bad focuses on forms. For example,
when I create Enum using Forge, the focus is not on Enum's name, but on some other
field. Also if I hit enter to create the Enum, the default action is to cancel the form.
So I need to shift the focus to Create button manualy using tab or mouse and then hit
Space, as Enter is always bound to Cancel button. Could you please have a look at other
dialogs as well and fix the default focus?