George Labuschagne edited comment on FORGE-2760 at 8/19/17 8:25 AM:
Hi George, indeed! :)
I have the latest Forge extracted such that the bin is located at: ~/opt/forge/bin
[georgel@devbox ~]$ which forge
The project is located at:
[georgel@devbox edsnext]$ ls
edsnext.iml pom.xml src target
I uploaded now a copy of the src directory as well (it is tiny at the moment).
When logging in to forge and then running either run 'cdi-setup' or
'scaffold-setup --provider Faces' I get the error as below:
[georgel@devbox edsnext]$ forge
Using Forge at /home/georgel/opt/forge
| ___|__ _ __ __ _ ___
| |_ / _ \| `__/ _` |/ _ \ \\
| _| (_) | | | (_| | __/ //
|_| \___/|_| \__, |\___|
JBoss Forge, version [ 3.7.2.Final ] - JBoss, by Red Hat, Inc. [
http://forge.jboss.org ]
Hit '<TAB>' for a list of available commands and 'man [cmd]' for
help on a specific command.
To quit the shell, type 'exit'.
[edsnext]$ cdi-setup
***ERROR*** Could not install CDI.
[edsnext]$ scaffold-setup --provider Faces
***ERROR*** Could not install CDI.
***SUCCESS*** Scaffold was setup successfully.
was (Author: george.labuschagne):
Hi George, indeed! :)
I have the latest Forge extracted such that the bin is located at: ~/opt/forge/bin
[georgel@devbox ~]$ which forge
The project is located at:
[georgel@devbox edsnext]$ ls
edsnext.iml pom.xml src target
I uploaded now a copy of the src directory as well (it is tiny at the moment).
cdi-setup and scaffold fail
Key: FORGE-2760
Project: Forge
Issue Type: Bug
Components: Furnace CDI, Scaffold
Affects Versions: 3.7.2.Final
Environment: CentOS 7.3
Forge 3.7.2
Java OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_141-b16)
Apache Maven 3.5.0
Reporter: George Labuschagne
Attachments: forge.log, pom.xml, src.tar.gz
Attempting to run 'cdi-setup' or 'scaffold-setup --provider Faces'
results in the following error message:
***ERROR*** Could not install CDI.
Where last line of log file reads:
19:56:22,799 SEVERE [org.jboss.forge.addon.shell.aesh.CommandAdapter] (AeshProcess: 1)
Could not install CDI.
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