Hi JBoss Forge Team,

I should have mentioned that before, but next Tuesday (at the Lille JUG in France) and Thursday (London, GlassFish User Group), I'll be giving a talk on JBoss Forge. It's the same one I gave at JavaOne (http://blog.arungupta.me/2013/12/come-and-play-with-javaee7-javaone-2013-session/) but with few extra features.

I'm doing it with Forge 1.x.... but actually, the only missing bits to make it run with Forge 2.x are : 

* Bean Validation (https://issues.jboss.org/browse/FORGE-1393)
* Java enums (https://issues.jboss.org/browse/FORGE-1400)
* JSF scaffolding

So I was just wondering if this would be available on Monday for a Beta5 so I could use it


(just joking ;o)

Antonio Goncalves 
Software architect and Java Champion

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