
You can turn on stack traces by typing the following command:

forge> set VERBOSE true

Could you please send the stack trace? Also, does this occur just by running the script by itself, or was there any custom set up?


On Tue, Jan 24, 2012 at 2:45 PM, Christopher Britz <britztopher@gmail.com> wrote:
I've been getting this error ERROR [scaffold from-entity] Error generating default scaffolding when i run the command "scaffold from-entity ~.domain.* --scaffoldType faces 
--overwrite"  It appears that this is a relationship error when dealing with a manyToMany relationship.  I have been using Dan Allen's "JBoss Java EE workshop" example, found here (https://gist.github.com/1637464#comments), however, not including openshift.  To reproduce start with the topic "Generating an application with Forge" and instead of running a script to do all the commands run through them manually.  When issuing the first scaffolding command listed above I get the error listed in the subject line.  It looks to me if you run all the commands for creating the entities then go on to do the relationship part for the entities for the Customer --> Address relation is where it jumps on the fail boat.  I could not find a forge log for a better stacktrace.  If there is one I will be happy to send it. Also, a little FYI i am using Forge inside of Eclipse with the Forge plugin running version Beta5.

Hope this helps.

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Lincoln Baxter, III
"Keep it Simple"